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Gene Expression Omnibus Announcements & Study Releases
Announcements of updates and changes to the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) databases and notifications of newly released functional genomic studies.
- GSE253271 Blockade of glucagon receptor induces α-cell hypersecretion by hyperaminoacidemia in mice February 11, 2025Contributors : Jianxin Jia ; Xuanxuan Bai ; Qi Kang ; Fuquan Jiang ; F.Susan Wong ; Quanwen Jin ; Mingyu LiSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusBlockade of the glucagon receptor (GCGR) has been shown to improve glycemic control. However, this therapeutic approach also brings side effects, such as α-cell hyper […]
- GSE261349 THE HISTONE CHAPERONE SPN1 PRESERVES SUBNUCLEOSOMAL STRUCTURES AT PROMOTERS AND NUCLEOSOME POSITIONING IN OPEN READING FRAMES February 11, 2025Contributors : Andrew J Tonsager ; Alexis M Zukowski ; Catherine A Radebaugh ; Abigail Weirich ; Laurie A Stargell ; Srinivas RamachandranSeries Type : Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSpn1 is a multifunctional histone chaperone essential fo […]
- GSE259295 A p53-CCF circuit integrates genome integrity with senescence phenotypes [RNA-Seq 2] February 11, 2025Contributors : Karl N Miller ; Xue Lei ; Peter D AdamsSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensGenomic instability and inflammation are distinct hallmarks of aging, but the connection between them is poorly understood. Understanding their interrelationship will help unravel new mechanisms and therapeutic targets […]
- GSE269757 Epigenetic editing at individual age-associated CpGs affects the genome-wide epigenetic aging landscape [HEK_HypoL_D3] February 11, 2025Contributors : Sven Liesenfelder ; Mohamed H Elsafi Mabrouk ; Jessica Iliescu ; Monica Varona Baranda ; Athanasia Mizi ; Martina Wessiepe ; Argyris Papantonis ; Wolfgang WagnerSeries Type : Methylation profiling by genome tiling arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensAging is reflected by genome-wide DNA methylation changes, but it is largely unclear how these epigenet […]
- GSE269753 Epigenetic editing at individual age-associated CpGs affects the genome-wide epigenetic aging landscape [4C-seq] February 11, 2025Contributors : Sven Liesenfelder ; Mohamed H Elsafi Mabrouk ; Jessica Iliescu ; Monica Varona Baranda ; Athanasia Mizi ; Martina Wessiepe ; Argyris Papantonis ; Wolfgang WagnerSeries Type : OtherOrganism : Homo sapiensAging is reflected by genome-wide DNA methylation changes, but it is largely unclear how these epigenetic modifications are regulated. In this […]
- GSE275235 Epileptic phenotypes in slc13a5 loss-of-function zebrafish are rescued by blocking NMDA receptor signaling February 11, 2025Series Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Danio rerioSLC13A5 encodes a citrate transporter highly expressed in the brain important for regulating intra- and extracellular citrate levels. Mutations in this gene cause a rare infantile epilepsy characterized by lifelong seizures, developmental delays, behavioral deficits, poor m […]
- GSE270579 RNAseq in Acly wild-type or conditional KO mouse T-ALLs February 11, 2025Contributors : Amartya Singh ; Victoria da Silva-Diz ; Daniel HerranzSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusC57BL6 mice harboring Acly conditional knockout NOTCH1-ΔE-induced leukemias were treated with vehicle (control) or tamoxifen to induce isogenic deletion of Acly. Here we report the gene expression profile […]
- GSE289196 Infertility and treatments utilized have minimal effects on first trimester human placenta DNA methylation and gene expression. February 11, 2025Contributors : Tania L Gonzalez ; Amelia M Schaub ; Bora Lee ; Jinrui Cui ; Kent D Taylor ; Anna E Dorfman ; Mark O Goodarzi ; Erica T Wang ; Yii-Der Ida Chen ; Jerome I Rotter ; Rimsha Hussaini ; Paige M Harakuni ; Mayaal H Khan ; Stephen S Rich ; Charles R Farber ; John Williams 3rd ; Margareta D PisarskaSeries Type : Methylation profiling by genome tiling […]
- GSE289181 FBXW7 Mutations Reprograms Glucose Metabolism by Activating the ETV6-GLUT Axis in Endometrial Cancer February 11, 2025Contributor : Siqi FeiSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensEndometrial cancer (EC) is associated with metabolic reprogramming, driven in part by mutations in FBXW7, a key tumor suppressor. In this study, we reveal that FBXW7 regulates glucose metabolism by targeting ETV6 for ubiquitination and proteasomal deg […]
- GSE289216 The NAE1-mediated neddylation operates as an essential posttranslational modification checkpoint for effector CD8+ T cells February 11, 2025Contributors : Jin Jiacheng ; Zhang Ruohan ; Li Jianying ; Gao Fengxia ; Liao Zhiwei ; Yu Yanbao ; Wang Yi ; Buvvi Donna ; Ma Ruilin ; Ma Qin ; Gao Shuaixin ; Lio Jerry ; Novais Fernanda ; Huang Stanley ; Zhu Jiangjiang ; Ghoneim Hazem ; Wen Haitao ; Li Zihai ; Sun Nuo ; Xin GangSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus m […]
- GSE289212 CD8α and CD70 mark human natural killer cell populations which differ in cytotoxicity February 11, 2025Contributors : Camille Rey ; Katie L Jones ; Kevin B Stacey ; Alicia R Evans ; Jonathan D Worboys ; Gareth J Howell ; Daniel M DavisSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensNatural Killer (NK) cells are innate immune cells that can directly detect and kill cancer cells. Understanding the molecular determinants re […]
- GSE289235 A Massively Parallel CRISPR-Based Screening Platform for Modifiers of Neuronal Activity February 11, 2025Contributors : Steven C Boggess ; Vaidehi Gandhi ; Ming-Chi Tsai ; Emily Marzette ; Noam Teyssier ; Yu-Ying Chou ; Xiaoyu Hu ; Amber Cramer ; Lin Yadanar ; Kunal Shroff ; Claire G Jeong ; Celine Eidenschenk ; Jesse E Hanson ; Ruilin Tian ; Martin KampmannSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensUnderstanding the […]
- GSE289251 Mapping protein selectivity landscapes using multi-target selective screening and next-generation sequencing of combinatorial libraries February 11, 2025Contributors : Si Naftaly ; Itay Cohen ; Anat Shahar ; Alexandra Hockla ; Evette S Radisky ; Niv PapoSeries Type : OtherOrganism : Saccharomyces cerevisiaeCharacterizing the binding selectivity landscape of interacting proteins is crucial both for elucidating the underlying mechanisms of their interaction and for developing selective inhibitors. However, cur […]
- GSE289260 Enhanced growth and productivity of useful metabolites by indole-3-propionic acid treatment in Lemna aequinoctialis culture February 11, 2025Contributors : Ye-Been Lee ; Hyung-Kyoon ChoiSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Lemna aequinoctialisAnalysed at the gene expression level, IPA administration in Lemna aquaequinoctialis affected broad transcriptome changes, which also provide important information on its interaction with the metabolome.
- GSE231727 Alterations in the hepatocyte epigenetic landscape in steatosis February 11, 2025Contributors : Ranjan K Maji ; Beate Czepukojc ; Michael Scherer ; Sascha Tierling ; Cristina Cadenas ; Kathrin Gianmoena ; Nina Gasparoni ; Karl Nordström ; Gilles Gasparoni ; Stephan Laggai ; Xinyi Yang ; Anupam Sinha ; Peter Ebert ; Maren Falk-Paulsen ; Sarah Kinkley ; Ho-Ryun Chung ; Philip Rosenstiel ; Jan G Hengstler ; Jörn Walter ; Marcel H Schulz ; S […]