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Gene Expression Omnibus Announcements & Study Releases
Announcements of updates and changes to the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) databases and notifications of newly released functional genomic studies.
- GSE271042 Nuclear RNAi Modulates Influenza A Virus Infectivity By Downregulating Type-I Interferon Response March 13, 2025Contributors : Hsiang-Chi Huang ; Iwona Nowak ; Vivian Lobo ; Danica F Besavilla ; Karin Schön ; Jakub O Westholm ; Carola Fernandez ; Angana A Patel ; Clotilde Wiel ; Volkan I Sayin ; Dimitrios G Anastasakis ; Davide Angeletti ; Aishe A SarshadSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensThe role of Argonaute (A […]
- GSE271551 Functional callus organoids reveal distinct cartilage to bone transition mechanisms across donors and a role for biological sex March 13, 2025Contributors : Isaak Decoene ; Ioannis PapantoniouSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensEngineering a cartilage tissue intermediate in vitro that closely mimics the characteristics of the native fracture callus in vivo, ensures a high potency to undergo cartilage-to-bone transition when implanted in vivo. Howe […]
- GSE291355 Implication of bone marrow adipose tissue in bone homeostasis during osteoarthritis March 13, 2025Contributors : Natalia ZAPATA-LINARES ; Maria E. CALLEJA-CERVANTES ; Juan R. RODRIGUEZ-MADOZ ; Stéphanie LUCAS ; Xavier HOUARDSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensObjective: To explore the role of bone marrow adipocytes (BMAds) in osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: Male and female C57BL/6 mice (n=4/group) underwen […]
- GSE291506 Neuronal chromatin remodeling factors in the mammalian nervous system [RNA-seq] March 13, 2025Contributors : Kaitlin Montanera ; Alyssa Ialongo ; Ssu-Yu Yeh ; Ho Sung RheeSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusChromatin remodeling factors play important roles in accessibility formation of regulatory DNA. The mechanism by which chromatin remodeling factors regulate regulatory DNA regions that activate ex […]
- GSE291510 Neuronal chromatin remodeling factors in the mammalian nervous system [ATAC-seq] March 13, 2025Contributors : Montanera Kaitlin ; Ialongo Alyssa ; Yeh Ssu-Yu ; Rhee Ho SungSeries Type : Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusChromatin remodeling factors play important roles in accessibility formation of regulatory DNA. The mechanism by which chromatin remodeling factors regulate regulatory DNA regions th […]
- GSE291793 Structural Insights into DNMT3A-3L-Mediated de novo DNA Methylation on Chromatin March 13, 2025Contributors : Minmin Liu ; Peter A JonesSeries Type : Methylation profiling by genome tiling arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensDNA methylation is one of the critical epigenetic mechanisms, yet its establishment and regulation during mammalian embryonic development remain poorly understood. DNA methyltransferases DNMT3A and DNMT3B require catalytically inactive va […]