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PMC News
News and announcements related to PMC
- PMC website update coming October 15 September 16, 2024On October 15, 2024, PMC will transition to a new website. This update, available for preview since March 2024 for user testing and feedback, will become the default for PMC on that date. With this update: the primary URL format for the website will change from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ to https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ Existing links to most PMC page […]
- Preview Upcoming Improvements to PMC March 21, 2024We are pleased to announce the availability of a preview of improvements planned for the PMC website. These improvements will become the default in October 2024 and include an updated article display and enhanced PMC journal list. Click on the "Try it out now" link in the banner on the top of any page on the current PMC website to preview these upd […]
- Update on PubReader Format December 15, 2023The PubReader format was added to PMC in 2012 to make it easier to read full text articles on tablet, mobile, and other small screen devices. In March 2022, NCBI launched an updated PMC website. The updated website is mobile responsive, making it easy to read articles in PMC on any device. This makes some legacy features, such as the PubReader view, no longe […]
- Update on Access to Coronavirus-related Articles in PubMed Central (PMC) COVID-19 Collection after end of Public Health Emergency August 30, 2023Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) collaborated with publishers and scholarly societies to expand access to coronavirus-related journal articles in PubMed Central (PMC). Through this collaboration, more than 50 publishers made more than 350,000 coronavirus-related articles accessible under various license terms through the […]
- PMC Public Health Emergency Initiatives Update May 3, 2023The National Library of Medicine (NLM) recently renamed the COVID-19 and Mpox Public Health Emergency Initiatives as the PMC COVID-19 Collection and PMC Mpox Collection, respectively. NLM continues to work with publisher and scholarly society collaborators who contribute content to these collections to provide broad access and support reuse of relevant scien […]
- Clarifying PMC's Role as an Archive April 19, 2023The role of what a library means in a digital world is evolving and expanding. PMC has a large and diverse user base that includes students and the public, as well as researchers, clinicians, and librarians. We recognize that these different audiences have varying levels of familiarity with NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the scholarly publ […]
- Second Phase of the NIH Preprint Pilot Launched January 30, 2023Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of the second phase of the NIH Preprint Pilot with the addition of more than 700 new preprint records to PubMed Central (PMC) and PubMed. This second phase expands the scope of the Pilot to include preprints resulting from all NIH-funded research. Eligible preprints are those acknowledging direct support of an NIH […]
- Next Phase of NIH Preprint Pilot Launching Soon January 10, 2023Last month, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced plans to extend its NIH Preprint Pilot in PubMed Central (PMC) and PubMed beyond COVID-19 to encompass all preprints reporting on NIH-funded research. The second phase of the pilot, launching later this month, will include preprints supported by an NIH award, contract, or intramural program and pos […]
- PMC Collaborating with Publishers in Response to Mpox Public Health Emergency September 8, 2022On August 4, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced a coordinated call to action with the science and technology leaders of more than 20 countries, requesting that publishers voluntarily make mpox and other orthopox-related publications freely and immediately accessible in appropriate public repositories to support the […]
- PMC Releases Improved Related Resources Feature August 30, 2022PMC has released an updated feature to make it easier to explore information related to a given article. You will now see three sections in the right-hand column of all PMC articles which can be opened to browse similar articles in PubMed, articles that cite the current article, and links to related data records in National Center for Biotechnology Informati […]